Public Space, or Sea Cliff’s Newest Money Pit?

After the Village purchased a dilapidated NY American Water company building on Prospect Ave as part of a settlement with the utility, the current Village administration is attempting to spend money on renovating the structure.

To date the Village has not been able to define a specific need or purpose for this building. Yet it has created a new corporation to hold ownership of the property, and the Village is commencing costly “engineering studies” for a “topographic analysis”. Additionally, the Village is hiring consultants to determine what is needed to rehabilitate the obsolete 1940 Pumphouse building. The Village has not stated how it will transfer public tax money to this new corporation.

A meeting has been held for Saturday November 5th, 2022 at 3pm. Concerned taxpayers are encouraged to attend the meeting and demand the Board of Trustees be more candid about the Village expenditures (current and future) and the impact on our property taxes. The Village claims to have received a generous donation to help cover expenses, but it is not enough to cover a complete renovation, nor will it cover ongoing maintenance.

Residents were burdened with a whopping tax cap busting tax increase in 2022 by the Village. Yet despite going over-budget in 2022, the Village administration is proposing to further increase expenses.

The Village already boasts 16 parks plus an extensive recreational waterfront, and community spaces in the Village Hall and Library, making the need for more public space unclear.

Furthermore, with the future purpose undefined, it is unknown how a new public space will impact the quality of life for residents living in adjacent properties.