Sea Cliff property tax controversies

The Village has issued the 2012-2012 tax statement to all properties in the Village. On the tax statement, there is a box entitled “% of change from last Year.” The box appears next to the Total Tax Levy. The value in the box states 0.00%.

A reasonable person would assume it to mean the tax increase year-to-year is 0%. But that is not the case. The actual increase in the Village tax levy is $78,000 or 1.69%

At the June 11, 2012 Village Board meeting, the admnistration was questioned about this discrepancy. They stated the “0% of change” is based on no change in assessed values of properties in the Village. They didn’t believe printing “0% increase” on the tax statements(when there was an almost a 2% increase) was misleading to residents.